Polyurethane Cold Isostatic Pressing Bags/Molds

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Polyurethane Cold Isostatic Pressing Bags/Molds

Categories: Isopressing mold

Application: Polyurethane Cold Isostatic Pressing Bags/Molds


Main description:

Polyurethane Cold Isostatic Pressing Bags/Molds


Polyurethane Cold Isostatic Pressing Bags/Molds

Definition and process of Cold Isostatic Pressing

Cold isostatic pressing (CIP) is a method used to shape and consolidate powdered materials. It works based on Pascal's law, which states that pressure applied in an enclosed fluid is transmitted uniformly in all directions without any change in magnitude.

In CIP, powders are enclosed in an elastomer mold, which is a material that can easily be deformed. The mold is then subjected to uniform liquid pressure, compressing the powders. This process results in a highly compact solid material. CIP can be used for various materials such as plastics, graphite, ceramics, powdered metallurgy, and sputtering targets.

There are two types of CIP recognized worldwide. The first type involves compacting the powdered materials under equal pressure from all directions. This is commonly used for wear and metal forming tools. The second type, known as electrical CIP, delivers better pressure control compared to manual CIP.

Effectiveness in shaping and consolidating powdered materials

CIP is performed at room temperature using an elastomer mold made of materials like urethane, rubber, or polyvinyl chloride. The fluid used in CIP is typically oil or water. The pressure applied during CIP ranges from 60,000 lbs/in2 (400 MPa) to 150,000 lbs/in2 (1000 MPa). However, one disadvantage of this process is the low geometric accuracy due to the flexible mold.

The powders are first compacted uniformly through CIP, and then the resulting green compact is conventionally sintered to achieve the desired final part. CIP is widely used in the production of metal and ceramic components. While it has been commonly used for ceramics, recent developments in process capability and powder metallurgy have made it increasingly popular for high-performance metal parts as well.

CIP offers several advantages, including solid-state processing, uniform microstructure, shape complexity, low tooling cost, and process scalability. These advantages have made CIP a viable processing route for metals, particularly in niche applications like aerospace and automotive industries.

In summary, Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP) is a process that shapes and compacts powdered materials by applying uniform pressure in all directions. It offers benefits such as improved accuracy, reduced distortion, and minimal material waste, making it a valuable technique in various industries.

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