CIP bags mold whole solution, cold isostatic pressing bags

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CIP bags mold whole solution, cold isostatic pressing bags

Categories: Isopressing mold

Application: CIP bags mold whole solution, cold isostatic pressing bags


Main description:

CIP bags mold whole solution, cold isostatic pressing bags. By adopting the vibrational method of powder filling the diameter of the rolls at the top is reduced but the reduction in diameter at the bottom is relatively less when compared to the normal method. This is due to the fact that, with the powder filling by vibrational method, the desired initial powder packing density is not achieved forcing to do machine tapping. Introduction of machine tapping resulted in packing of powder at the bottom and hence less shrinkage during powder compaction. However when compared to conventional method, vibratory powder filling method helps to improve the compact shape.


CIP bags mold whole solution, cold isostatic pressing bags. By adopting the vibrational method of powder filling the diameter of the rolls at the top is reduced but the reduction in diameter at the bottom is relatively less when compared to the normal method. This is due to the fact that, with the powder filling by vibrational method, the desired initial powder packing density is not achieved forcing to do machine tapping. Introduction of machine tapping resulted in packing of powder at the bottom and hence less shrinkage during powder compaction. However when compared to conventional method, vibratory powder filling method helps to improve the compact shape. 

settlement of the powder takes places and it leads to uniform initial fill density of a powder. However with this method, powder fill density reduced and hence we were unable to load the required powder weight. By using a machine tapping, powder fill density is increased but elephant foot structure at bottom increased. However this method significantly reduced the elephant foot structure at top side of the compacted roll.

Contact High Industry Tech

Tel: +86-15905285887 Mr. Bluce Yan

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