The Classification of Cold Isostatic Pressing

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The Classification of Cold Isostatic Pressing

Categories: Wet bag CIP mold

Application: The Classification of Cold Isostatic Pressing


Main description:

lsostatic pressing is the powder compaction method byapplying pressure from all directions through a fluid surrounding the part.


The Classification of Cold Isostatic Pressing

Cold lsostatic Pressing (CIP)

>lsostatic pressing is the powder compaction method byapplying pressure from all directions through a fluid surrounding the part.

>Cold isostatic pressing(CIP)is conducted at room temperature.A flexible(commonly polyurethane)mold immersed in a pressurized liquid medium(commonly water) is used in the cold isostatic pressing.

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Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP)

>There are two types of cold isostatic pressing: wet bag and dry bag

>In the wet bag method the mold is removed and refilled after each pressure cycle This method is suitable for compaction of large and complex parts.

>In the dry bag method the mold is an integral part of the vessel.The dry bag method is used for compaction of simpler and smaller parts. The advantages of CIPcompared to uniaxial pressing are

· Better uniformity and packing density

· More complex forms (for example long thin-walled tubes) may be compacted

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