Classification of Isostatic Pressing Techniques

Author:Classification of Isostatic Pressing Techniques     Date Posted:29 Aug 2022

Classification of isostatic pressing techniques

Isostatic pressing technology is classified according to different heat consumption and use characteristics, and is divided into hot isostatic pressing, warm isostatic pressing and cold isostatic pressing. Devices are all different.

Cold isostatic pressing

The static pressure technology is carried out at room temperature. The mold and material of the envelope are generally plastic or rubber, and a certain substance is required as the pressure medium. The elastic substance includes rubber and plastic, and the inelastic substance includes liquid. The substance called water isostatic pressing in cold isostatic pressing generally uses rust remover as the water medium, and oil isostatic pressing uses oil as the pressure medium. In addition, thick wall molding or soft molding use elastic materials to maintain balance. The preformed billets are formed by hot isostatic pressing or forging, and the final pressed form is post sintering.

Warm isostatic pressing

The temperature of the warm isostatic pressing device is required, the lower temperature is 80°C, and the higher temperature is 120°C. For a slightly higher temperature condition, the maximum temperature can reach 450°C, but the normal temperature is 250°C. ℃ or so, the transfer medium is generally set to oil. It should be noted that the control of the cooling process and the heating process needs to be set according to the process requirements, whether it will generate heat or not. Heating measures, oil tank is a more common heating tool. The selection of the transfer medium is also more important, usually similar to the wet bag static press and equipment, and sometimes warm isostatic pressing, because the powder is difficult to form, and at room temperature, the forming conditions are There are many, the choice of warm isostatic pressing is the best choice.

Hot isostatic pressing

Affected by the static pressing process, the control of materials is greatly affected, and because the external conditions affected are high pressure and high temperature, when eliminating casting defects, two methods of bonding and diffusion will be selected as much as possible. The choice of transfer medium is generally inert gas. In another special case, one that can be used as a transfer medium for hot isostatic pressing, such as solid particles and liquid metal, is often used in the preparation of glass and metal. The encapsulated material to be pressed will be selected. At this time, the main function of the static pressure device is to balance.

CIP bags, ISO bags, cold isostatic pressing bags, isopresing bags, CIP molding (19).JPG

CIP bags, ISO bags, cold isostatic pressing bags, isopresing bags, CIP molding (13).JPG

cip bags, iso bags, cip mold, iso mold, cold isostatic pressing bags and mold, cold isopressing mold and bags (223).jpg

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