Powder metallurgy Process

Author:Powder metallurgy Process     Date Posted:26 Jul 2022

Powder metallurgy Process

I. Powder metallurgy - introduction

Powder metallurgy involves powders for manufacturing metal parts.

CIP bags, ISO bags, cold isostatic pressing bags, isopresing bags, CIP molding (18).JPG

II. Powder metallurgy comprises the following general stages:

1. Powder preparation;

2. Pressing (compacting) to obtain the desired shape;

3. Sintering the pressed parts.

4. Powder metallurgy allows reducing machining operation due to forming parts with minimum tolerances.

5. Powder metallurgy permits manufacture of materials, which can not be produced any other technologies: refractory materials, hard materials, wear resistant materials, permanent magnets, porous metals, mixtures of dissimilar metals, possessing different melting points or insoluble in liquid state, various combinations of mixtures of metals with non-metals.

cip bags, iso bags, cip mold, iso mold, cold isostatic pressing bags and mold, cold isopressing mold and bags (177).jpg

III. Powder metallurgy is used in the following industries:

1. automotive (brake pads, gear parts, connecting rods, planetary carriers, sintered engine bearings);

2. aerospace (light weight aluminum base structural materials, high temperature composite materials);

3. cutting tools (hardmetals, diamond containing materials);

4. medicine (dental implants, surgical instruments);

5. abrasives (grinding and polishing wheels and discs);

6. electrical, electronic and computer parts (permanent magnets, electrical contacts).

cip bags, iso bags, cip mold, iso mold, cold isostatic pressing bags and mold, cold isopressing mold and bags (103).jpg
