Isostatic Pressing Technology

Author:Isostatic Pressing Technology     Date Posted:03 Jan 2023

Isostatic Pressing Technology

What is isostatic pressing?

       The isostatic pressing process can be composed of several processes: the fluid medium (gas or liquid) is pressed into a high-pressure resistant steel sealed container by means of a high-pressure pump. The high-pressure fluid is evenly pressed in all directions at the same time to obtain a compact with uniform density distribution and high strength.

Isostatic pressing is a new forming method developed with the rise of modern powder metallurgy technology. Generally, isostatic pressing is divided into cold isostatic pressing and hot isostatic pressing according to its characteristics. The former often uses water or oil as the pressure medium, so It is called hydrostatic pressure, hydrostatic pressure or water-oil static pressure. The latter often uses gas (argon) as the pressure medium, which is called gas hot isostatic pressure.

The invention of isostatic pressing technology has a history of more than 60 years, but the development has been slow in the first 40 years. In the past 20 years, with the development of emerging technologies, powder metallurgy is required to provide more special-purpose materials and complex shapes. parts; so the rapid development of isostatic pressing technology occupies a very important position in the powder metallurgy forming process.

With the continuous improvement of the level of science and technology, the traditional powder metallurgy technology is gradually difficult to keep up with the requirements of the industry, and the entire metal industry is in a downturn. Isostatic pressing technology is a new material forming method emerging with technological progress. It is an innovation of traditional powder metallurgy technology. Its application in powder metallurgy will greatly shorten the time of material production and improve the quality of powder materials. Production efficiency and quality.

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cip bags, iso bags, cip mold, iso mold, cold isostatic pressing bags and mold, cold isopressing mold and bags (100).jpg

There are two types of isostatic pressing methods

Cold isostatic pressing and hot isostatic pressing.

Cold isostatic pressing is a very important ceramic forming technology. Due to the excellent performance of parts obtained by cold isostatic pressing, it has important applications in advanced ceramic preparation and other fields. It has been successfully applied to some large-scale and complex-shaped ceramics. Products, such as thermocouple protection tubes, ceramic radomes, alumina or alumina ceramic tubes for petroleum drilling, transparent ceramic sleeves for high-pressure sodium lamps, high-voltage ceramic insulation tubes, spark plugs and carbon graphite parts are in production.


Advantages of isostatic pressing:

1. Capable of pressing parts with complex shapes such as concave and hollow;

2. When pressing, the relative movement between the powder body and the elastic mold is very small, so the friction loss is also very small, and the unit pressing pressure is lower than that of the steel mold pressing method;

3. It can press various metal powders and non-metal powders. The density distribution of the pressed blank is uniform, especially effective for refractory metal powder and its compounds;

4. The green compact has high strength and is easy to process and transport;

5. The mold material is rubber and plastic, and the cost is low;

cip bags, iso bags, cip mold, iso mold, cold isostatic pressing bags and mold, cold isopressing mold and bags (107).jpg

cip bags, iso bags, cip mold, iso mold, cold isostatic pressing bags and mold, cold isopressing mold and bags (164).jpg

cip bags, iso bags, cip mold, iso mold, cold isostatic pressing bags and mold, cold isopressing mold and bags (221).jpg

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