What is Powder Metallurgy and its Process Forming Process

Author:What is Powder Metallurgy and its Process Forming Process     Date Posted:25 Jul 2022

What is Powder Metallurgy and its Process Forming Process


· Powder metallurgy is used for manufacturing products or articles from powdered metals by placing these powders in molds and are compacting the same using heavy compressive force.

· Typical examples of such article or products are grinding wheels, filament wire, magnets, welding rods, tungsten carbide cutting tools,self-lubricating bearings electrical contacts and turbines blades having high temperature strength.

    · The powders of almost all metals and a large quantity of alloys, and nonmetals may be used.The application of powder metallurgy process is economically feasible only for high mass production.

    · Parts made by powder metallurgy process exhibit properties, which cannot be produced byconventional methodsSimple shaped parts can be made to size with high precision without waste, and completely or almost ready for installation.

cip bags, iso bags, cip mold, iso mold, cold isostatic pressing bags and mold, cold isopressing mold and bags (39).jpg


1. Formation of metallic powders.

2.Mixing or blending of the metallic powders in required proportions.

3.Compressing and compacting the powders into desired shapes and sizes in form of articles.

4.Sintering the compacted articles in a controlled furnace atmosphere.

5.Subjecting the sintered articles to secondary processing if needed so.

cip bags, iso bags, cip mold, iso mold, cold isostatic pressing bags and mold, cold isopressing mold and bags (62).jpg

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