Manufacturing Technology of Ceramics

Author: Manufacturing Technology of Ceramics     Date Posted:23 Jul 2022

Manufacturing Technology of Ceramics

1.Cold Isostatic Pressing(CIP)

Cold isostatic pressing (CIP) is a compaction process for powders enclosed in an elastomer mold. The mould is placed in a pressure chamber, a liquid medium is pumped in, and high pressure is applied uniformly from all sides. CIP mainly produce plate or bar shape product.

2. Green Processing (Before sintering processing)

3. Press-forming

Press Forming method is one of the major forming methods in the ceramic field. Fill in the spray dried material to the metal mold, and then, add strong pressure by a press machine.

It is suitable for series production of plate, disk or block shaped product.

4. Extrusion molding

5. Injection-molding

injection molding method is a advanced molding method for complex and small shape products. When the customer required complex shape design that can not produced by sintering processing, injection molding method is often the alternative option. The material which mixed ceramic powder and thermal plastically resin, and then the machine injects it to the metal mold and cooling for coagulate.This method is suitable for mass production of complex shape parts.

  6. Sintering

cip bags, iso bags, cip mold, iso mold, cold isostatic pressing bags and mold, cold isopressing mold and bags (53).jpg

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